Cleveland Rooftop Proposal | Kaila & Phil

It’s not often you can witness someone asking “will you be with me forever?” The committement alone is truly profound. But, when it is someone you’ve come to know personally – it really makes capturing this memory all the more special.

Phil used to be my assistant when I worked in higher education and from day one I knew who Kaila was because he was her favorite person. He set up their proposal with snippets of their timeline together: their first trip to Australia (where Phil’s family lives), baseball games, first argument, first movie date…a lot of firsts. But nothing like this first – the first day of their road to marriage.

You’re gonna want a few tissues to make it through the sweetness of this day. And it wouldn’t have happened without the help from friends & family (Kaila’s mom came in from California just to be a part of it!)